
Mysterious holes in the Crimea grabs Lives 6 People

Mysterious holes

Simferopol - Without warning, a giant sinkhole formed in the middle of the road and swallowing 6 lives. Four adults and two children have died after the car they were on crashed into a gaping hole in the middle of the ruins of the main road near Simferopol, the capital of Crimea - who recently split from Ukraine.

The video showed the wrecked car in a sinkhole near the base. Shortly after the incident heartbreaking sound, the cries of children helpless expect help.

Currently there is no way of events and opportunities for Ibrail Eskandarov, behind the wheel, to avoid the gaping hole that suddenly appeared in front of the vehicle at night.

34-year-old man has been pressing the brakes firmly, but it was unable to stop his car entered the hole. He fell with his wife Eskandarova (33), and their children - twins Asan and Muslims (3), and Aliye (16).

The family friend, Salimova Asiye (37) also died in the incident. Meanwhile, 2 children Salimova - Serim 12-month-old and 12-year-old Levida hospitalized due to a serious injury. Both are expected to survive and stay alive.

As quoted by News.com.au, Tuesday (30/09/2014), rescue workers said, the giant sized hole 8 feet wide and 6 feet in suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, right in front of the fateful car.
Mysterious holes

Asphalt roads, electrical wiring, lights menerangan, and ruins the hole sinkhole swallowed part. Officers were overwhelmed to evacuate in the middle of the pitch-dark conditions without street lighting.

"We deployed 43 rescue workers to the scene, as well as 16 vehicles. We are trying to save a little boy and a 12-year-old girl. Baby boy was seriously injured in the head and is still in a coma. While her brother suffered a broken bone at some point. Both are still undergoing intensive treatment, "he said.

The accident occurred on the highway between the city of Simferopol on the Crimean peninsula, which is the object of the dispute and Nikolaevka village.

A spokesman for the Emergencies Ministry said, impossible riders can avoid the holes, especially the dark street when the tragedy occurred.

He added that six people who lost their lives allegedly killed instantly in the accident. It is not known what makes the sinkhole formed, is still under investigation.

Sinkhole Crimea
