
10 - 15 -1888: Jack the Ripper Send ' Letters from Hell '

Letters from Hell

London - A letter postmarked date of October 15, 1888 received by George Lusk, who was then serving as chairman of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee - a group of local volunteers who patrol in the district of Whitechapel, London, a post-serial murders in that year. The sender claimed to be a "Jack the Ripper" aka "Jack the Ripper" serial killer.

It was not the regular mail. Also included half of a preserved human kidney with ethanol.

Writing in it untidy. Full misspelled, as if written poorly educated people. If true this article Jack the Ripper, the emerging debate over whether real or intentional errors. It read:

from hell

Mr. Lusk
I send you half the
Kidne I took from one women
prasarved it for you tother pirce
I fried and ate it was very nise I
may send you the bloody knif that
took it out if you only wate a whil

Catch me when
Can you
Mishter Lusk.

Despite hundreds of letters from Jack the Ripper claimed to be sent by post at the time, the researchers suspect, the letter 'From Hell' is one of the original writings the killer might be legendary.

Related pieces accompanying kidney, incidentally excretory organ belonging to one of the murder victim, Catherine Eddowes was taken by the killer.

"It was impossible to ascertain whether the Ripper actually sending the letter. Yet one of his victims had Bright's disease, kidney disease, and organ has a characteristic sent it," he quoted from the DC Crime Stories.

However, medical opinion at the time put in circulation, the kidneys can be a material practice of medical students, then sent through the mail as a hoax, aka word lie.

Handwriting analyst History Channel documentary series, Mystery Quest argues, the letter is authentic. Based on linguistic instructions, for example, in the word 'prasarved' (supposed to be: preserved), the investigators claimed to have found evidence that the author is a descendant of the Irish or the region - to relate it to one of the suspects Jack the Ripper, Francis Tumblety.

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper murdered at least five women, cut their throats, taking several internal organs, and dumped his body in the alleys of Whitechapel, England.

Regardless, Jack the Ripper was never caught. He even killed again after November 1888 Meanwhile, the original letter along with a kidney missing pieces.

More recently, Detective Russell Edwards claimed to uncover the identity of Jack the Ripper: Aaron Kosminski, a Polish-Jewish immigrants.

He claimed to have valid evidence, DNA. "I've got the only forensic evidence in the history of this case. I spent 14 years investigating and have solved the mystery of Jack the Ripper," he said as quoted by The Guardian.

In addition to letters from Jack the Ripper, a number of important events happened on October 15. In 1878, Thomas A Edison founded the Edison Electric Light Co.

While in 1892, the same date, became the story of a gang of robbers Dalton Brothers. Four of the 5 members were killed in a 2 bank robbery attempt in Coffeyville, Kansas. Emmet Dalton, the sole survivor, was critically injured.

On October 15, 1964, Nikita Khrushchev Leonid Brezhnev replaced as leader of the Soviet Union. Then, in 1990, the leader of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev received the Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to making the country more open and reduce the tension of the Cold War.