
I'm Infected Ebola, You All The End!

Infected Ebola

Punta Cana: A man makes a panic the whole aircraft in flight from the United States (USA) to the Dominican Republic. The man suddenly shouted infected with ebola.

"I'm Infected Ebola, You All End !," the unidentified man said, based on witness testimony quoted Belfast Telegraph, Friday (10/10/2014).

Due to the cries of men aged 54 years, immediately ordered the passengers to remain seated. They were required to remain on the plane, when the medical team full dress inspection Airport when the plane landed in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

The medical team was examining a man who kept coughing during the flight. Not long after, the man who is known as a citizen of the United States, US Airways flight escorted out as he protested, "I'm not from Africa."

Dominican Republic authorities immediately investigate the man. They make sure that this is just for fun guy made ​​a joke that was not funny. He was certainly not infected with Ebola.

"His jokes are not attractive at all. I do not understand why he did it, only he thought it was funny. Fortunately, this threat is not true," said the Grupo Punta Cana, Paola Rainieri.

However, as a precautionary measure, the operational Punta Cana Airport plane isolate. Together with 200 passengers, the aircraft had been isolated for two hours.