
Kiss Eyeglasses : make kissing more intimate

Kiss Eyeglasses

Tokyo : Glasses company based in Tokyo, Blinc Vase, offers a new concept, namely Kiss Eyeglasses. These glasses are designed specifically for couples who often have difficulties when kissing, especially for those who wear glasses.

These glasses have two pairs of stalks facing the opposite direction, so it can be worn by two people at once. With these glasses, people who have poor eyesight can stare at each other while kissing

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These glasses are created to support the advertising jokes made ​​by Blinc Vase. But who would have thought, these glasses are actually sold in Japan. To have these glasses, the buyer must spend up to USD 650.

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"It's really cool and fun, which is why I bought these glasses," said Mitsuto Otani, Eyeglasses Kiss fans, to RocketNews24.