
There Eggs Alien 'Attack' Coast Australia

Eggs Alien

Sydney: An Australian beaches have been littered with alien eggs recently. This happens after thousands of green balls that washed up on shore.

The visitors who visited Dee Why beach in Sydney have spent their days wondering what exactly the strange green ball sponge type it and why so many who appear suddenly.

Beach lovers in the region even mention the green ball is coming from Unidentified Floating Objects (UFOs) and describe it as a mysterious alien eggs.

"I took one and squeezed it and it was very slippery, but I'm not sure if it was still alive and was worried I would hurt something in it," Scarlett said de Villiers, one of the local residents.

Scientists believe that the 'alien egg' this might actually be a rare form, which is seaweed that rolled into a ball to protect themselves from predators. In addition, the scientists added that the wave conditions are very specific to make Seaweed washed ashore this fall.

"I've seen similar things, sometimes seaweed could die roll around and shaped like a ball but it was dead and it looks like life," said Associate Professor Alistair Poore from the School of Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of NSW.

At least this alien egg is a natural phenomenon from Australia that will not kill you.