
11 Foods Make Erection Longer

11 Foods Make Erection Longer - For men, maintain an erection for sexual intercourse longer very important. In some cases, most men use drugs 'strong' to maintain an erection. But, now is the time to discuss foods that help produce more testosterone in your body.

In addition to increasing the hormone, also claimed a number of foods can help maintain an erection for longer because of abortion that can increase blood flow to the genitals.

1. Onions
Onions serves to help thin the blood. The more dilute the blood, the volume will increase. Increased blood volume is what can help you get an erection strong and long lasting.

2. nutmeg and cayenne pepper
Herbs such as nutmeg and cayenne pepper contains androgenic which encourages sexual desire and improve the function of male genitalia.

3. Coffee
Too much coffee is unhealthy. However, there is no denying the fact that caffeine could encourage energy that can make you and your partner last longer in bed.

4. Salmon
Omega-3-rich fish such as salmon, can help improve blood circulation.

5. Chocolate
Dark chocolate is one of the best aphrodisiac foods that you need to take before sex.

6. Cherries
Cherries can help clean arteries. That is, the fruit can be sure that your blood supply to the genital smoothly.

7. oysters
If the shells, some of you may already know. The content of zinc, essential nutrients needed to produce testosterone in the body.

8. Bananas
The content of potassium in bananas believed dapay maintain a healthy heart and improve blood circulation. With a smooth blood circulation, erection will be stronger and longer.

9. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is literally loaded with iron which helps the production of red blood cells in the body. The more blood you have, the penis will erect stronger and durable.

10. Watermelon
Watermelon can dilate the blood vessels so that more blood is pumped to your genitals.

11. Green tea
Green tea is full of healthy antioxidants dispose free radicals from your body. In addition to refreshing the mind, green tea also helps you achieve better satisfaction point.