
5 Reasons: Don't Worry about Ebola

5 Reasons: Don't Worry about Ebola - Some reason that you do not have to worry excessively contracting this deadly virus. Here are five reasons dont worry about the ebola:

1. You do not have to worry about the movie "Outbreak" occurs.
The film was released in 1995 and tells the story of the Ebola virus outbreak in Zaire had a chance to succeed at the box office. But don't worry. Several cases of people infected with Ebola have been successfully treated with the experimental drug. These drugs work well for some people with certain genes.

2. Ebola does not spread through the air
Ebola does not spread when breathing the same air with an infected person. So it does not need to use masks throughout the day.

3. Ebola is not lurking in every corner
When you're in a small town where there are people infected with ebola, no need to use a suit covered from head to toe.

4. Media coverage will continue to inform the location of cases of ebola
You will get the latest information about the ebola which covered both online media, print, and television.

5. Your risk of having a stroke or heart attack is greater than the risk of contracting ebola
So it is better to think positively so as not to stress and lead a healthy life. Rather than wasting time and emotional concerns about ebola infection that will affect your health.