
Ferguson riots: Hundreds of California spill into the Road

Ferguson riots: Hundreds of California spill into the Road

Ferguson riots: Hundreds of California spill into the Road - Oakland: Hundreds of Oakland, California, United States, took to the streets to protest the court's decision not to indict Missouri Darren Wilson, white cop shooter black teenagers Michael Brown.

Crowds gathered in downtown Oakland to denounce the controversial decision. One protester was arrested for damaging a police car, while some others were led officers because it is considered as a provocateur.

"All the justice system in this country is wrong. Arraignment, conviction and send it to the jail killer cops," shouted some demonstrators.

Throng also blocking a major highway intersection of Oakland, and automatic traffic paralyzing.

Meanwhile in Ferguson, 29 people were arrested over the violence and looting stores. Officers fired tear gas to disperse the crowd, but still has not eased tensions.

A number of cars and a great pizza restaurant burned in riots. Fire department difficulty serving as hotspots as well as hundreds of protesters blocked.

Brown was shot dead on 9 August Wilson. Some witnesses claimed to see Brown has raised his hand when mugged weapons, but Wilson still shot.

President Barack Obama had asked US citizens to receive and respond to the Brown decision wisely.