
Video : Girl walks around NYC with no Pants

Girl walks around NYC with no Pants

Girl walks around NYC with no Pants - A television program called Model Pranksters in the United States trying to figure out how to care or attention of the City of New York to the surroundings.

They make an experiment by having a female model walking the streets of New York without clothes. But the model was not completely naked. He just naked from the waist down.

To test how observant or attentive citizens the Big Apple, the waist to the ankles models painted very, very much like he was wearing dark blue jeans. Painting in the lower part of the body it really like jeans being worn models. In fact, when viewed carefully, buttocks covered the model was actually not any clothes.

After the lower part of his body painted, model named Leah Jung was then wearing a white sweater and a white hat and a walk through the town in the middle of passing the citizens of New York. As a form of documentation of the experiment was recorded with a video camera.

From the video it looks citizens of New York who ran into the model in the streets did not realize he was naked from the waist down.

When he was on the subway, people also do not realize it was actually nude models. Similarly, when he was in the middle of the town square Times Square or when buying fast food in a restaurant.

But when he was in front of an automated teller machine (ATM) of a man standing behind him realize female model in front of him was not wearing pants. The man was photographing the buttocks of the model with the camera on his mobile.

Here's a video models walking around without pants.
