
Han Biyao : Beggar most beautiful in the world

Beggar most beautiful in the world

Beggar most beautiful in the world - Sometimes not everyone realizes there is beauty in some corner of life. Every day in the corners of life that often people ignore, still tucked segurat pretty face that may be hard to forget.

Beauty that can come from the face of street beggars. Who would have thought a ragged beggar woman shabby nan could have a beautiful and handsome face. We might wonder, why there are beggars as beautiful as she was? Why people as beautiful as she can be a beggar?

Chinese people call it the most beautiful beggar universal
. Social media in China dubbed as the world's most beautiful beggar. But behind her sweet face, her story really touching.

His name is Han Biyao. Before he died, her father is a millionaire. But now after the death of his father, his mother fell ill and could not work. He also had a brother who was still in school, as reported vingle.net site.

Family Han Biyao apparently in debt. Create redeem the debt Han sell her virginity. All the luxury life living well off now vanished from Han.

A reporter managed to dig up this story after he met with Han. Everyday Han begging coins to be a musician on the streets of Beijing.

He had worked as a waitress. To connect his life and help with medical expenses ailing mother, Biyao into street musicians.