
Bra True Love Detector

Bra True Love Detector

Bra True Love Detector - There is bad news for those who like to break the hearts of women. In Japan have found a bra with automatic lock. Bra will not open when the body of the wearer's response showed no signs of falling in love. Wow!

Reporting from rocketnews24.com, Ravijour is such a brilliant idea development company. Ravijour revealed, "they design bra" is the first bra with the ability to understand the feelings of a woman. The way it works is as follows.

Bra has a function detecting sensor and heart rate of the user. Data on average heart rate is then stored and processed in the smart-phone users. If the heart rate exceeds the average of the beginning, and in accordance with the heart rate when the woman fall in love, then the bra open automatically.

Still confused? When you feel happy, the medulla of the adrenal glands secrete catecholamines. The enzyme then affect the autonomic nervous and stimulate the heartbeat. Sensors on the bra Ravijour function to detect and then transferred via bluetooth to the application.

Application function calculates the True Love Rate based on changes in heart rate from time to time face to face with the man. If the heart rate appropriate, open bra lock automatically.