
5 strange thing that it can improve the feeling of love

5 strange thing that it can improve the feeling of love

They say love is blind. That's why sometimes we do not know why we can fall in love with someone.

Sometimes we feel a strong attraction to someone just like that, for reasons that can not be understood by common sense.

But do not think that it is a miracle of love alone. Actually, there is always a reason behind the human interest to the opposite sex. It's just that we do not know if it is possible.

There are so many factors that can affect a person of the opposite sex affection. Here will we said some of them, as reported by Business Insider website.

1. Stay adjacent
Witing tresna trailing saka kulina. Presumably the proverb is true. According to the MIT study, not only the emotional closeness that can make two people fall in love. Physical proximity also plays an important role.

According to the results, the rate is likely to fall in love with the students who live in dorms tend to be higher because of the intensity of interaction makes them closer emotionally.

2. Perform activities adrenaline
Perform activities that can stimulate adrenaline together can increase the sense of love between the couple.

This is proved by experiments conducted by Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron. They tried to put the men in two different conditions.

They were asked to pass through the bridge located at the extreme altitude and bridges that are in the normal height. After that they were met by a woman. As a result, men are more attracted to women that they met after climbing the bridge at extreme altitude.

3. Mutual looked for two minutes
Joan Kellerman, a psychologist from the University of Massachusetts tried to pair the 72 students who did not know each other and ask them intensely at each other for 2 minutes.

From these experiments, he found evidence that long-term eye contact can increase appreciation and closeness to one's emotions.

4. Similar to the parents
Psychologist David Perrett of the University of St. Andrews found evidence that people are more likely to be attracted to the opposite sex who have similar physical characteristics with their respective parents.

Women tend to be more attracted to men who have a physical resemblance and age with his father (when the child is born). Likewise with the man who is more interested in a woman who has a certain similarity with their mother.

5. hormones
When a woman is in the fertile period, they tend to be more attracted to the 'signal' of testosterone from the opposite sex. That's why at that period a woman is attracted to the scent of natural bodies of men and men with strong masculine characteristics. For example, a strong jaw line and a broad chest.

That's five reasons behind the interest in the opposite sex that you may not know.