
Yves Rossy, the first man to fly with a jetpack

Yves Rossy, the first man to fly with a jetpack

Yves Rossy, the first man to fly with a jetpack - Pilot from Swiss, Yves Rossy (below) with his colleague Vince Reffett when using a jetpack to fly over the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tuesday (12/5). Both fly at speeds of over 200 km per hour.

Yves Rossy dubbed as Jet Man. He is the first person to fly using jet-powered engine on his back.

With his jetpack, Yves Rossy once flew over the Strait of the English Channel, the Grand Canyon, and Rio de Janeiro. Before performing the action, Yves Rossy and Vince Reffett first flew in a helicopter. After reaching a certain height, they then jumped out with his jetpack. Not merely fly, Yves Rossy and Vince Reffett also maneuver.
