
Caution, 10 beautiful flower is dangerous and deadly!

10 beautiful flower is dangerous and deadly

Flowers are sometimes used as a proper medium to express affection. Gorgeous flowers were used always have attractive color and unique shape. But make no mistake, pretty flowers are not all safe.
At least 10 pretty flowers that can actually kill you! Scientists have to categorize and shrub flowering plants that contain toxins or poisons. Even some of them capable of causing serious effects to humans.
You also need to know this. Lest you give a flower on the couple and ended badly. Well, the following are 10 pretty flowers that turned out to have harmful toxins.
1. Poison Hemlock
Poison Hemlock

can also be known as Conium Macalatum. This plant is referred to as one of the plants that ended the life of Socrates. Strangely, despite having a deadly effect, this plant is one of a family of carrots.

Posion Hemlock also known as the 'Devil's Porridge' because it has alkaloids coniine. The effect of this interest will result in abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in the early symptoms. Until finally able to make the paralyzed man and led to death.
2. Death Camas

Death Camas

Lily is one of the most popular choice to beautify gardens and flower vases in homes around the world. However, because of the many species of Lili made a number of people do not know that there are types of lilies that it also contains toxins.

Is Death Camas, one type of Lily who have toxic to humans but not to be deadly to humans. But for animals, it is quite effective. Poison on this flower was so strong, so it can easily kill livestock within hours after eating. The process of livestock mortality was also very ugly, ie vomiting with foaming mouth.
3. foxglove

Foxglove (Digitalis Purpurea) have topped a list of the most valuable plants in Europe. But no one thought that turned out to Foxglove have venom strong enough.

All parts of this plant contain substances such as Deslanoside, digitoxin, and digitalis glycosides. They will attack the heart muscle. Ingesting this plant dapt lead to serious problems, including headache, irregular heartbeat, vomiting, and even death.
4. White Snake Root
White Snake Root

White Snake Root has the scientific name Altissima Ageratina. Tanamakn is most famous for its suspected as a cause of maternal death of President Lincoln. Areas of growth is in the region of North America.

The color is white, small and tend to be used to make people aware that they turned out to be very dangerous. A number of grass-eating animals that eat these plants could be dead even though swallowing small amounts.
5. Oleander

This flower has a poison called glycosides cardenolides Pose. Capable of making humans have died if not accidentally eat it. Never eat, the branches were also has poison.

Anyone who cut trees and branches Oleander and burn it, then smoke produced and it also causes the poison. Worse, you can be exposed to toxins from honey bees that pollinate this plant. Terrible!
6. White Baneberry
White Baneberry

In the forest, often encountered Banaberry White flowers are also more commonly known as flower doll's eyes. Make no mistake, though unique flowers and funny, but all parts of this plant contain toxins that are harmful to animals and humans.
7. Angels Trumpets
Angels Trumpets

The name, form, and color is very interesting. No one denies that this flower is very pretty with a faded purple hue. But anyone who took flowers native to South America will be getting close to the angel of death.

The entire plant contains toxic substances such as tropane alkaloids scopolamine and atropine. This flower is usually used as a herbal tea mixture. However, if ingested in large amounts will result in death.
8. Wolfsbane

In every summer, the people of the northern region at the foot of the mountain will be very familiar with the pretty purple flower is. His name is Wolfsbande. But make no mistake, this is just the beauty of flowers is located on the outside only.

Because the flower is causing poison that can kill animals and humans. The lethal effect has spread since ancient times, as it can be used for animal repellent harvest time. Not unexpectedly, this flower was also dangerous to humans, and even lead to death.
9. Deadly Nightshade
Deadly Nightshade

Hearing his name every single person would have to know the characters 'evil' and off in this flower. Yes, right. Deadly nightshade is a plant that has a deadly poison called tropane alkaloids.

When ingested, some lakaloid can cause delirium and ahlusinasi, difficulty breathing, and seizures. Buha petite produced this plant is able to easily kill children who swallow it. The leaves also never be used as a tea gatherers because it also has a deadly poison.
10. Opium Poppy
Opium Poppy

It could be said that no other flowering plants that have successfully claimed many victims beat Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum). The flowers are very famous in the world as the basis for narcotics that are used to produce heroin.

The flowers are many and colorful if planted in a pot. However toxins contained in it was very terrible because it causes people to die in a short time.