
What Color Is Healthy Urine

What Color Is Healthy Urine - Urine is mainly water (at least 95 percent), but the rest is a surprisingly complicated brew of components that include urea, chloride, sodium, potassium, creatinine and other dissolved ions, plus different inorganic and organic substances

The most common urine color is yellow, which is triggered by the existence of urobilin, a biochemical waste product created from the breakdown of old red blood cells. (Your body makes about 2 million new red cell every day, and recycles an equal variety of old ones.

Urine Color Chart Meaning

Urine Color Chart

  • Medium yellow urine color - Looks like: Lemonade
Medium yellow urine color is Urine Color Dehydration. Not drinking enough fluids, high temperatures, vigorous exercise and medications can all result in dehydration. You may notice that you don't pee as much and that when you do it is dark and concentrated. A lot of other health problems can pop up if this state lasts for long. Water and electrolyte beverages can help remedy this, but if you are chronically dehydrated, it's a good idea to talk it over with your doctor.

  • Cloudy Appears like: An unclean martini.

If your urine color has a dirty martini seek to it, you might have a bladder infection. The cloudiness originates from mucus, tissues and proteins that are breaking down and coalescing.

  • Light yellow urine color - Looks like: Pale straw color

Straw Colored Urine or Light yellow urine color  is normal and says you’re well hydrated. Keep up the great work.

  • Transparent / No Color To Urine

No Color To Urine - Colorless urine may show over-hydration. While not as hazardous as dehydration, over-hydration can water down essential salts, such as electrolytes, creating a troublesome chemical imbalance in the blood.

  • Blue/Green. - Looks like: A Jell-O shot

Green Urine Color It’s possible that eating a lots of food tinted with synthetic dyes can paint your pee in carnival colors. Most likely, it’s a negative effects of medication such as Uribel, which is utilized to treat UTIs. The effect comes thanks to the component methylene blue. It’s nothing to stress over. Keep taking your pills with great deals of water, and take pleasure in the weirdness.

  • Brown - Looks like: Coke

Cola Colored Urine Particular drugs, such as the anti-malarial chloroquine and an antibiotic called metronidazole, can offer urine color of a cola-like color. So can bingeing on fava beans or rhubarb. That flat Coke appearance might also be triggered by some liver and kidney disorders, or from exercising method too hard. Your muscles utilize myoglobin to catch oxygen for energy. If you exaggerate it at the fitness center and trigger considerable muscle damage, the myoglobin can seep out into your blood stream and make its way into your urine, causing it to turn dark brown. Absolutely see a physician for a myoglobin urine test; too much myoglobin in the blood can overwhelm your kidneys and lead to kidney failure.

  • Dark pink - Looks like: Red wine

OK, that’s a great deal of blood. And what’s more worrying is that it might be old blood, which turns dark as it embolisms and breaks down. “The existence of old blood is really worrisome because it suggests a substantial amount of blood. It likewise could mean that whatever’s causing the bleeding has actually been around for a while.

  • Darker pink - Looks like: Cabernet

This might indicate that there’s more than a little bit of blood in your urine, which might signify a potential bladder infection or cancer. Kidney stones, which about 10 percent of the United States population gets, can also trigger blood in the urine, as can less common bladder stones.

  • Pink - Appears like: White Zinfandel

Did you eat a great deal of beets last night? Because that might do it. But it might also be blood. “Simply a drop of blood in urine turns it pink. While a general practitioner might wave that off as no big deal.
Any blood in the urine requires a see to the urologist, as it might be due to infection, or an early indication of bladder cancer. (It most likely isn’t really cancer, however better safe than sorry.).

  • Orange - Appears like: Tang.

OK, now you’re truly dehydrated and need water, stat. Orange-hued urine color could also indicate the presence of bilirubin, a yellow-colored by-product of the natural breakdown of old red blood cells. This could be due to a gallstone obstructing the bile duct, which drains pipes bilirubin, or to liver disease. Some medications for urinary tract infections can give your pee a vibrant Tang-ling tinge.

  • Dark yellow. - Appears like: Apple juice.

Seriously, drink something, would you? Likewise, if you went heavy on B vitamins, that might be contributing.

What is the color of an healthy urine?

Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber , the result of a pigment called urochrome. But urine color isn't always normal. B vitamins turn urine an eye-popping neon yellow, for instance. Carrot juice can tint it orange. And porphyria, a disease that affects your skin and nervous system, earned its reputation and its name by turning urine the color of port wine. Most changes in urine color are harmless and temporary the result of certain foods, dyes, supplements or prescription drugs. Occasionally, though, unusual urine color can indicate an infection or serious illness. Talk to your doctor about changes in urine color that persist or don't seem linked to medications or food.
