
Mr. Crab for iOS 8: Simple Games that Make Addiction

Mr. Crab games

Stuio Illusion Labs AB update Mr.Crab, one of their flagship game for the iPhone and iPad. In the 1.3.0 version, Illusion beautify by utilizing the graphical display Mr.Crab Metal APIs Apple released along with iOS 8.

For you who do not know, Mr.Crab is a simple game, which asks the player through various barrier-hurdles, such as rocks, trees, and ice crystals to get points.

However, the game type PLATFORMER is quite adorable and has the potential to make the players addicted.

How not, the game area that continues to spin, Mr.Crab, red crabs in a black cap, are required to jump in right time to get to the top step. If one jumps, he will back down.

When you first download, you will not take up to three minutes to understand the game, but to finish it will take time for hours, depending on your skills.

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