
Syria : ISIS Display severed head

ISIS Display severed head

Kobani: Kobani, a town on the border of Syria and Turkey, filled with headless bodies were brutally murdered by Islamic militants State or ISIS.

Kobani residents fled. Most of them claimed to witness the brutal beheading process.

"I saw ten, even hundreds, of bodies were beheaded," said Amin Dawn, father of four children from Kobani.

"There are also bodies eyes and protruding tongue, there were arms and legs missing," he added, as quoted by Mirror.co.uk, Monday (13/10/2014).

"They display many severed heads to scare us all."

Kurdish fighters fought tooth and nail to protect Kobani of ISIS. While Turkey, a country that is directly adjacent to Kobani, allowing the United States and its allies to use military bases to fight ISIS.

Turkey refused to be involved directly because it does not want to cooperate with the Kurds.