
Tortured and Discarded to the gulf, the Chinese boy to Survive

Tortured and Discarded to the gulf, the Chinese boy to Survive - A boy of seven years old was beaten, strangled, and dumped into a ravine by his stepmother. Miraculously, the boy survived named Jen.

The story happens in tragic Guishou province, China, was started when Ting Liang (30), stepmother Jen, plans revenge against her husband, Jian Gang (40), because of plans to divorce him.

Ting Liang is plotting to kill Jen. He even picked Jen at school after reasoned should bring him to the doctor. However, Liang Ting they bring Jen into Fengan region, province Guishou, to a coal mine that has been defunct.

That's where Ting Liang hitting, kicking, throwing stones, and suffocating Jen using her shawl. After the boy did not move, Ting Liang and tossed it into a pit and left the boy since thought that Jen is dead.

Meanwhile at home, Jian Gang to the police after his son was still not home from school even though it was already evening. Police are investigating later learned that Jen left the school after being picked Ting Liang.

"The principal told us, stepmother Jen pick him up and when we asked her, she denied already picked Jen," police said.

"However, when we showed CCTV footage showing he was holding the boy, he confesses," police added.

After his wife was detained by police, Gang Jian was very surprised because it did not think the woman could be guilty of such a heinous act. "He always looks like and fits with Jen. However, he and I have a problem and I realized we may not maintain this marriage," said Jian Gang.

"When I say I want to divorce her, she just stopped and left the house. I do not think he was capable of doing such a thing," added Gang Jian.

After holding Ting Liang, police then searched and found it in a state Jen battered and dehydrated three days after he was thrown into the pit coal mines.

Jen is now hospitalized, while her stepmother was arrested and could face 15 years in prison for the kidnapping and attempted murder.
