
The greater one's bra size, the more extravagant her

The greater one's bra size, the more extravagant her - As one of the company's e-commerce giant in the world, Alibaba has a lot of data and information about its customers. Such data can be used to study consumer behavior and develop the company's business.

As reported from Quartz, last August, Alibaba revealed a unique data on consumer shopping behavior.

According to the Chinese company, the consumer shopping behavior can be seen from the size of the bra she bought. Alibaba discovered that the bigger bra purchased someone, then that person tends to do a lot of expenses for shopping.

Alibaba group several categories of expenditure, namely Low, Slightly Low, Middle, Slightly high, and High. Consider a table created by Quartz based on data taken from the Alibaba:

bra size

The table shows that 65 percent of people who buy a bra size B, tend to have low levels of expenditure. People who buy a bra size of C, D, and E tend to fall into the category of Middle to High or has a moderate to high expenses.

One possible assumption is people who buy small sized bra is an adolescent, which incidentally has the ability to shop lower than women who are working and have a family.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that this data is only derived from consumer data Alibaba, so it may not be applicable in other e-commerce companies.