
The Timeless Beauty of Ice Overlay Kunir legendary Ice Cave

The Timeless Beauty of Ice Overlay Kunir legendary Ice Cave - Russia - For those of you who love the cave tour, do not miss to visit the amazing caves that exist in Russia, located in Russia precisely on the banks of the river near the town Kungur Sylvia nearly 90 km away from Perm - Russian Ice Cave Kungur present.

Kungur Ice Cave is one of the largest gypsum cave in Russia by volume. The cave is formed in the thickness of carbonate karst, consisting of rock sulfate, gypsum and limestone.

Travelers who visited this cave will be made through the dazzled sight coming from the ice 'eternal' hanging from the ceiling of the cave in a unique shape and large size (stalactites).

Ice is in a cave called permafrost because even though the air temperature outside the cave reaches 35 degrees Celsius, the ice did not melt in the cave.

This cave is a unique natural monument, surrounded by some of the legends. In the cave there is a narrow street called "the women" because according to the first story there is a foreign princess falls in this way. After he returned from the cave, not long after she was married. Therefore, it is said that if a woman falls in this way he will soon be married.

Another point of interest is one of the so-called "a weeping woman", there can see the beautiful lake and from the top there is a small droplet of water creating a ripple on the surface of the lake.

The cave is famous for its ice formation and is one of the popular tourist attraction. Many tourists mostly from Russia came to see the unique creations of this nature every year. The number of tourists has reached millions.

Here's how it looks:

Kungur Ice Cave

Kungur Ice Cave

Kungur Ice Cave
