
Video 'The murder of Kim Jong-Un' Circulating on YouTube


Scenes death of Kim Jong-Un in fim The Interview recently had circulated in cyberspace. In this scene depicted Kim Jong-Un was killed in a helicopter missile exploded due to exposure.

The scene was dramatized with slow motion effects, shows the seconds burning head Kim Jong-Un. In an internal e-mail leaked Sony public, it was revealed that the scene of the burning of the head of Kim Jong-Un was also a major concern of Sony.

Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai asked Seth Rogen, producer of the film The Interview, to eliminate the burning scene hair Kim Jong-Un.

With scenes like this, no wonder the North Korean government was furious with the presence of the film The Interview. They call this film as a 'call to war' and promised to give retaliation.

Some parties had speculated that the hacking computer networks of Sony Pictures is the action of the North hackers who try to restore the good name of their leader.

And later the United States finally declared that the true perpetrators of hacking is the North, although since the beginning of the North has said it is not at all related to the incident.

Sony itself has decided not to release the film The Interview to market. It deals with various threats of violence are posted to the network if the theaters showing the film.