
Bodyguard of women in China, a beautiful but deadly

 Bodyguard of women in China
Bodyguard of women in China, a beautiful but deadly - Bodyguard is always identical to the face of the stump and unfriendly look. However, the image it just modified in China by presenting the beautiful woman.

A bodyguard in the consulting services the province of Hainan, China opens training and choose the 20 women to be a bodyguard. 20 women who elected these college graduates and have faces and postures like models.

The reason the election of women to fulfill the client's request the woman or confuse those who try to act evil. This is very effective because people will not think that beautiful women dressed in sexy and stylish is a bodyguard.

beautiful bodyguard

Don't underestimate the power of this woman. beautiful face and sexy is very deceptive. They can paralyze you just in a matter of seconds. In addition, they are also trained to a high level of martial science as well as the mastery of weapons. They get their hard training in the military you can imagine what kind of hard.

Professional bodyguard in great demand in China because the pay is greater. In addition, the bodyguard of women more needed due attention and fool the enemy.