
Can ride a motorcycle, dogs in Indonesia so the world's attention

dog Can ride a motorcycle

Two male Golden Retriever breed dog calmly sat on his motorcycle in Surabaya, Indonesia. Complete with sunglasses and a helmet, they are ready to follow Handoko Njotokusuma around the city.

Due to this unusual style, indeed, the two dogs so the local selebritas. People are so curious. Know their spectacles, both of these dogs and even sometimes pose when asked to take pictures with the audience.

Handoko told me, his two dogs were already up on motorcycles when they were a few months old. Entrepreneur this year 59 finally taught a four-legged animal that's how sitting on top of the motor.

"When their four-month-old, I teach how to sit in the front. After getting bigger, about eight months, I teach them to sit in the freeloader.

According to John Greenwood, once taught that way, both the animal immediately rose to the top of the boncengan motor, sitting sweetly, and waited for her turn on the motor.

"They're directly is ready," he said.

"A lot of people interested in taking pictures of them. It makes me happy every day, "he continued.

The two dogs named Ace Handoko and Armani ever bargained for this person because of the talent they have, however, not to say unequivocally Handoko sells them.

"For me, they're like my kids. I love them like a loving wife and my biological kids, "he said.