
Don't be fooled, this cute sea slugs have already killed 30 people!

Tropical sea snails are poisonous

An awful lot of poisonous animals in the world, ranging from snakes, spiders or frogs. However, if You believe this cute sea slugs including a list of the most deadly animals in the world?

Slugs dangerous has the latin name of Conus geographus, and known as a snail that lives in the tropical sea. The outside shell of the snail is cone-shaped and filled with interesting color patterns, so it's not one many people are tempted to catch it.

As reported by the Daily Mail (19/01), there are 30 people who died of the lethal toxins of snails. The question is, how is this cute animal can kill a human being?

Scientists from the University of Utah recently had found the killer factor of snail Conus geographus, i.e. the poison of insulin. You may often hear the word insulin? Yes, insulin is a hormone that acts regulating sugar levels in the body of humans and other animals.

However, at a snail's pace c. geographus, insulin produced has been transformed into a deadly poison that can lower blood levels of animals and humans drastically or the phenomenon of ' hypoglycemia '. Hypoglycemia may cause seizures, impaired vital organs, and death.

"This is a unique type of insulin. We find it in toxic in high doses, "said Professor Baldomero Olivera of the University of Utah, USA.

That makes it more frightening, c. geographus can squirt poison insulin in large doses on the water that can poison the swimmers. Even in some cases, this may be firing slugs poisonous needle straight to paralyze the target. The needle was recorded was able to penetrate the bathing suit divers who are wet.

Interestingly, scientists are also unsure if this deadly slug holds the key development of insulin treatment for diabetics or diabetes. As we know, many diabetics who need insulin injections to regulate blood sugar levels in her body.

Then, do the snail c. geographus true source of death or life?