
Inspiration! The 4 characteristics of successful People realize the ideals

Almost everyone has a picture of a dream career while they are small. As time goes on, these ideals are not infrequently forgotten. There are also people who feel if his dream is too difficult to be realized so as to give up in the middle of the road. If You are one of them? Hopefully not. The cast of the successful reaching the goals generally relies on focus and hard work during their early endeavors. Want to know more about the success of successful people who managed to reach the dream? Refer to the following four main characteristics:

1. no broken hearts because of rejection
Some individuals may experience rejection rejection that made them give up the Middle when reaching for dreams. In fact, according to social scientists, Brian Martin from the University of Wolongong what we create is not ourselves. That is if our work is ugly doesn't mean we're not a champion, so do not despair. When experiencing rejection, try not to see it as a personal failure but as a process.

One of the well-known figures who have experienced much rejection is the author of the famous Stephen King. He had aspired to be a writer since the age of 14 years. Originally a short story that often he submitted to publishers so often denied. Even one of the books terlarisnya, Carrie, declined as much as 30 times. But Stephen had already sold a total of 350 million copies. It materializes of course because he didn't take the liver rejection.

2. create Opportunities for yourself
When no one is able or willing to assist you in realizing your goals, create course opportunities for themselves. This made notable Director Steven Spielberg. Steven who has dreamed of making movies since she was 12 years old that had been rejected for admission to the University of Southern California's School of Theater, Film and Television three times. But during the holidays, he ventured to the HIGH SCHOOL to join the producers and writers during a visit to Universal Studios. When executives saw a film that Stephen made, they even offered him to direct television programs Columbo and Night Gallery.

"Persistence is to create a capacity to judge your own work, think what it will do after that, and actually do the plan," says the film Jurassic Park in the magazine reader's Digest.

3. have a Supporter
A study done of Ohio State University reveals if students need external support to realize their ideals. Because the nearest parties such as teachers, counselors, especially parents can help steer children. Often those who have the ability not to wholeheartedly pursue their goals because of a lack of motivation and confidence.

One of the successful people are successful because of the encouragement of others is the skateboarder Tony Hawk. The men's Journal's historically has said that he himself was often scorned by various magazines. But the coach saved him by saying that perkatakaan don't listen to the haters. He listened to such advice while continuing to perfect the trick-trick.

"I stopped listening to those voices because it doesn't affect anyone myself actually," the story of Tony.

4. Encouragement of proof

If you hear a slanted waffle about your goals, we recommend that you do not make it as a deterrent. But change the negative view as a motivation.

Like Amy Tan, a novelist who once wrote The Joy Luck Club. First he just profession as an account management in a company related to writing. Amy ever wanted to try to become a writing but his colleague told him to forget about the dreams and concentrate on his job at that time. The Chinese women did not agree and decided to quit the company and began studying to become a writer. The woman who is now 62-year-old was not affected by the words of his colleague who contends that he will not manage to become a writer. This time, Amy had many spawned best-selling books. Even The Joy Luck Club was adapted into a film.