
Want to feel the pain of childbirth, came to China

Want to feel the pain of childbirth, came to China - Aima maternity hospital in Shandong Province, China, offering a unique service for men. The men were given the opportunity to feel the pain of childbirth like pregnant women.

The hospital provides the opportunity to men because there are a lot of complaints from women who say their husbands have less sympathy for the pain of childbirth.

A unique service that is held twice a week and up to now has about a hundred men to register.

The patient is connected to a cable machine tool to attach it over the abdomen. The tool then issued a shock to cause pain.

"I feel the heart and lungs I like torn," said the man named Song strong survive up to seven before waving his hand to the nurse to stop the machine.

But the nurses at the hospital, said the simulation of the machine was still not able to match the actual pain of a mother giving birth.

"But if men can put up with the pain, they will be more dear and keep his wife," said the nurse named Lou Dezhu.

Wu Jianlong, which managed to hold up to level ten, said the experience changed her opinion about childbirth.

"Because women can have children for a long time, I think this process is a natural thing that must be passed women," he said.