
Total Lunar Eclipse in Australia

Total Lunar Eclipse
SYDNEY, : Month with a red light will adorn the sky Australia on Wednesday (10/08/2014) night, in an event that is rare total lunar eclipse.

Extraordinary astronomical event only appears a few times in the last 500 years.

Red moon appears when the total lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth form a line and blocking the sunlight the Earth to the Moon.

Months turned crimson when light from the sun is bent into the Earth's atmosphere and reflected to the Moon.

The light that is reflected from the reddish color around the sunrise and sunset on Earth is emitted to the Moon.

Australians are in the fortunate geographic location because they will be able to witness the whole event.

They are located on the east coast will have the best views, could see the whole transformation process in the eclipse.

In some areas of Western Australia, the entire eclipse will not be seen since this event began before the appearance of the Moon.

This lunar eclipse will begin at 8:15 pm local time, with the appearance of the eye that can be seen for 3 hours 20 minutes.

The moon will appear red entirely on the total eclipse phase between the hours of 9:25 to 10:25 night, October 8 local time.

Dr. Alan Duffy, an astronomer at the Swinburne University of Technology, said, there are some key aspects of this event which could be witnessed.

"Eclipse begins with a shadow that appears slowly on the surface of the Moon. In the next hour, more the moon that are covered until the end of this satellite is located just behind the Earth, away from the Sun, "he explained.

He added, "Phase total with a red light last month for an hour, before the Moon finally began to leave the dark areas and some subsequent events is the reciprocal of the initial process."

Red Month this October is the second of a total of four events. The first occurred in April of this year.

The next two events will take place in April next year, but only a few minutes.

While the latter will appear a few months later, in September, but will appear on the daytime in Australia so it will not be visible