
The 32-year silent, Janice Dickinson, admittedly raped Bill Cosby


The 32-year silent, Janice Dickinson, admittedly raped Bill Cosby - A shocking statement expressed by the model and actress Janice Dickinson. After so long, she finally revealed the rape that happened 32 years ago.

When an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Janice claimed raped Bill Cosby in 1982. Tragically, it happens that the model in a state of unconsciousness.

As reported by Us Magazine, the two met when Janice asked to appear on The Cosby Show. In a short time, both getting close and often spent time together, but in the context of work.

Janice said that when the Bill gave a glass of wine and anti-menstrual pain. Afterwards, Janice fell asleep and did not remember what happened afterwards.

"The next morning I woke up, and in a state of not wearing pajamas, but I fell asleep before I had thought that this man tried to rape me. Before getting out, the last thing I remember was he creeping up on me, and I feel the pain many times. In the morning, I was naked and there was sperm in between my legs.

Janice was not the first woman to do a rape charge on him. Two different women also had reported experiencing the same thing