
Characteristics You Have a Healthy Sperm

Sperm is fluid released during ejaculation. This fluid contains sperm cells and is important in the process of fertilization. Sperm will unite with the egg to develop into the next baby will be. For fertilization, required good quality sperm.

Characteristics You Have a Healthy Sperm

How good sperm quality? Let's look at some of the characteristics of normal sperm. (Read: 5 Causes Healthy Sperm)

1. Volume of Fluid Sperm
The volume issued by male sperm during ejaculation is about 2-5 ml. Good semen is sperm lumpy and liquid. If sperm comes out less than 1.5 cc of the sperm volume a bit and make ejaculation becomes dry.

Then you know, the color of semen also become the benchmark of your health status? Here's the explanation:
2. Color semen
Sperm generally grayish white. If semen is reddish, it would require further examination by a physician to determine the cause of the reddish color. One cause of the reddish color of the sperm is the presence of blood in the sperm, which can be caused by a urinary tract obstruction or infection. Whereas if the sperm into a yellow color, may be caused by an infection in the urinary tract. (See more: Identify the color of your sperm )

3. Sperm liquid OdorNormal semen smells like acacia leaves. If your sperm into a foul-smelling, it is necessary to look out for an infection in the urinary tract, prostate or other structures along the urinary tract.

4. The composition of Sperm
Only a small portion of seminal fluid consisting of sperm cells, but about 95% of the seminal fluid is a liquid released by the prostate or seminal vesicles. To determine the health of the sperm cells, semen analysis is required. Sperm analysis done by observing the semen under a microscope. Healthy sperm must be quite a lot, which is in 1 ml contains around 20 million sperm cells, normal shape and move forward quickly.